Opening times for 2025.

Every Wednesday 10am to 5pm May to September inclusive.

Tuesdays; Groups by appointment. See visit page for further details.

History of Broughton Grange

Broughton Grange is set overlooking a beautiful Oxfordshire valley. Its history dates back to 1620 initially as a small farm cottage associated with the Saye and Sele estate at neighbouring Broughton Castle. The site was developed overtime into an estate in its own right. The Morrell family owned it for some 200 years until purchased by the present owners in 1992. Broughton Grange is set in over 400 acres of parkland, farmland and open meadow, with parkland planting that owes its origins to the Victorian era. In the early 20th century and under the ownership of Lady Ottoline and Philip Morrell, figures such as Bertrand Russell and Lytton Strachey were entertained on the estate. Although not ultimately fond of Broughton, Lady Ottoline wrote to Russell “I think the country looks very charming, very secluded; the trees and air and stillness are so delightful”. Over the last 25 years Broughton Grange and its gardens have been substantially transformed such that it is now recognised as one of the most significant private contemporary gardens in Britain.

Development of the garden

The gardens’ development accelerated in 2001, when leading landscape designer Tom Stuart-Smith was commissioned to transform a six acre south facing field into a walled garden. This impressive new garden, walled on two sides only, features three individually themed terraces and has been designed in strong relation to the surrounding rural landscape. It is now seen as amongst Tom’s best work and is widely featured in books and magazines. Since the late 1990s, many other parts of the gardens have been beautifully developed and from 2003 onwards, a substantial arboretum has been planted and continues to be developed. The tree collection at Broughton includes a wide range of interesting species and cultivars, covering an area of approximately 80 acres.

The gardens have opened for visitors since 2004 under the National Gardens Scheme (NGS).

In 2019 the Gardens were winner of best development of a historic park or garden 2018/2019. Read more about this award.